Parallel Sessions
Navigating Through Engineering Graduate Education
Matthew Carnavos
Unclear where your future as an engineering student will take you? This session will help provide information for the undergraduate and graduate level student on how to find the best research program for your Master or PhD degree. Additionally the session will provide information on various student funding opportunities available to students from NSF such as the Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) and the Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education GK-12 Program (GK-12). Current graduate students will also share their experiences in selecting a research program and interacting with their faculty advisors. Students will leave the session with a better understanding on how to further their educational in engineering.
Considerations in Putting Together a Center Proposal
Bruce Kramer
Assembling a team and writing a competitive proposal to NSF’s large centers programs is a huge undertaking with long odds, but it is dwarfed by the actual requirements of managing such a center. The session will give some guidance on what makes a good large center proposal, whether your team is ready, and the responsibilities that come with success. This guidance will be drawn from actual experiences in running and managing centers.
Broader Impacts and Promoting Global Diversity
Mary Lynn Realff Mary Juhass
Broadening participation in engineering continues to be important in the evaluation of research proposals and center proposals in the Directorate for Engineering at NSF. In many cases, researchers don’t have a good idea of how to address diversity in their grants and how to respond to requests for proposals that require this issue to be addressed. In this session, funding opportunities at NSF to support global diversity through international components of research grants will be presented. NSF’s strategic goal of broadening participation of the scientific engineering workforce will be reviewed and ways of helping NSF reach this goal through research grants will be discussed.
Ethics for Faculty and Students
James T. Kroll
Within National Science Foundation’s (NSF) the Office of Inspector General (OIG) investigates allegations of wrongdoing involving organizations or individuals that receive awards from NSF. It is important for grantees to understand what actions violate ethical norms or established rules governing federally funded research, and be aware of the potential consequences of committing such violations. Issues critical to NSF include, but are not limited to, research misconduct, fraud, conflicts of interest, human subject protections and animal welfare concerns, peer review violations, duplicative research, retaliation and student/mentor relationships. Dr Jim Kroll, Head of Administrative Investigations in OIG, will highlight the ethical expectations NSF places on its grantees and present numerous case studies regarding violations that OIG has investigated.
Research and Education using NSF-funded Large Multi-user Facilities: DUSEL, NEES, NNIN, and WATERS
Joy Pauschke and Richard Fragaszy
NSF provides support for multi-user research infrastructures that include shared use experimental facilities and cyberinfrastructure. Various programs at NSF provide funding for faculty, students, and others to utilize these facilities for research and eduation. This session provides a brief overview of two large facilities available for research and education, the George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering (NEES) and the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN), and two large facilities that are currently funded by NSF for planning and development, i.e., the Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL) and the WATer and Environmental Research Systems (WATERS) Network.
Working with the Media
Judy M. Vance and Joshua A. Chamot
Getting exposure for your research, beyond journal publications, has the potential to result in significant benefit for you, your university and NSF. This session will consist of a presentation and discussion about how to work with the media to obtain the best possible dissemination of your results to the general community.
Beyond the Classroom: After Graduate Education
Matthew Carnavos
Worried about what to do after you finish your diploma? Afraid teaching 100 undergraduates Statics or Fluids may not be for you? This session will provide students with information on post-graduate opportunities for both Masters and PhD level students for career paths in academe, private industry, not-for-profits, and government. Representatives include post doctorate level researchers, government researchers, and representatives from private industry will be on hand to share their experiences and participate in a panel-driven discussion. Additionally information on “nontraditional” engineering career paths will be present by representatives from such positions to discuss how their engineering education has guided their career paths and goals.
NSF Initiatives in Cyberinfrastructure
Joy Pauschke and Stephen G. Nash
NSF is making major investments in cyberinfrastructure through the NSF-wide initiatives such as Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation, as well as through Directorate-specific activities and through the Office of Cyberinfrastructure. This session explores a variety of cyberinfrastructure opportunities of relevance to CMMI in areas such as research, education, virtual organizations, high performance computing, and large facilities.
Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation and Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation—Opportunities and Challenges
Eduardo Misawa, Clark Cooper and Matthew Realff
NSF strives to maintain a critical balance between unsolicited “core” program
awards and focused solicitations in key topical areas, the former of which
is intended to foster basic research in broad programmatic areas and the latter
of which is intended to identify and facilitate research in new and emerging
areas. Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) and Cyber-Enabled
Discovery and Innovation (CDI) are two important examples of the latter category
and will be the topic of discussion in this session.